The Importance of Teeth Cleaning

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the importance of professional teeth cleaning

Brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day is essential to maintaining your oral health. To achieve optimum oral health, visiting a dentist near you for regular teeth cleaning is vital to the health of your teeth and overall mouth. Although it is essential to take care of your teeth at home through your oral hygiene routine, there are areas in your mouth that a regular toothbrush cannot reach. Receiving regular dental cleaning in Carrollwood can help remove tartar buildup and ensure that all the plaque is removed from hard to reach areas. At Playa Family Dentistry, we offer regular dental exams and teeth cleaning to detect and prevent any oral health issues.

Oral Health vs. Overall Health

Your oral health is linked to your overall health and vice versa! If your lifestyle contains unhealthy habits, signs will start to show on your teeth and gums. If you are experiencing oral health issues, it can begin to affect your daily routine. Receiving professional teeth cleaning in Carrollwood is an essential aspect of preventive care. It is vital to prevent problems from occurring in the first place to maintain your oral health. If oral health problems arise, they can be caught and treated early so that the situation does not worsen. When problems worsen, they become more challenging to treat, affecting your oral health and overall well-being.

Dental Exams in Carrollwood

Receiving an oral exam is a vital component of your oral health. When going in for an oral exam, your dentist in Carrollwood has the opportunity to assess your oral health. Your dentist is looking for any signs of oral cancer, periodontal disease, and tooth decay. Dental exams are part of preventative dentistry so that if any early signs are detected, they can be treated before the problem worsens. This will save you time and money since severe dental issues can be timely and costly. If dental problems are detected, your dentist will create a personalized dental plan to treat the problem at hand. During an oral exam, you can expect the following:

  • Gum disease check

  • Tooth decay check

  • Cancer screening

  • X-rays

  • Assessment of previous restorations

Teeth cleaning in Carrollwood

It is recommended that you visit a dentist near you at least twice a year for an oral exam and cleaning. However, your dentist can provide a specific recommendation which may require you to visit more frequently for an oral exam and teeth cleaning. During a dental checkup, your dentist can evaluate your oral health and find any signs of oral health issues. Receiving a regular dental cleaning near you can reduce the chances of tooth decay by removing bacteria in your mouth. Your dentist or dental hygienist will remove the plaque and tartar off your teeth and gum line. The last step to teeth cleaning is to polish your teeth to remove stains for the appearance of a brighter, healthier smile.

Visiting a dental office in Carrollwood for a regular exam and cleaning helps to detect and prevent oral health problems, including gum disease. An early stage of gum disease called Gingivitis is developed through the buildup of tartar. Tartar can only be removed with the proper tools and equipment at a dental office. Removing tartar buildup restores the health of your teeth and gums.

To maintain optimum oral health, call our dental office in Carrollwood to schedule an appointment for teeth cleaning today! At Playa Family Dentistry, our dentist in Carrollwood is happy to answer any further questions you may have. We guarantee you will leave our office with a bigger and brighter smile!